Monday, May 16, 2011

G & T 2: Your Impact on Earth

Write a blog post about the following:

-Your 100 item list: Think back to when we tried to compile a list of 100 things to keep in our lives. How did you do? At what number did you stop? (I think I exhausted my list at 68!)
- The actual number of items you own: What was your total? I'll never forget how embarrassed I was at the number of clothing items I own. I'm still working on remedying that.
-"Mapping the Impact" project reflection: What did you learn from researching the impact of your chosen item? What will you take away from it?
-Ecological footprint results/reflection: How did you feel about your result?

Blog post due Wednesday, 5/25.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

G & T 1 Debates: Round 1 Reflection

Our first round of debates has concluded and we are eager to read your post-debate thoughts. Answer the following questions:

1: Overall, how do you feel the debate went?
2: Overall, how do you feel you performed?
3: In what part of the debate process do you think you performed the strongest? In what area were you weakest?
4: If you could change anything, what would you change?
5: What will you concentrate on improving for the next round?
6: Would you like to see anything added to the rubric?
7: Visit the National Forensic League site or scour the internet and choose 1-2 resolutions you are interested in debating during round 2.

Blog post due Friday by the start of class.